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Published Authors

Dr Sotco C. Komba
Senior Lecturer, Social Sciences Department, Sokoine University Of Agriculture, Tanzania
Relationship Between School Enrollment Patterns And Academic Achievement In Tanzania
This study sought to determine if there was any difference in academic achievement between two categories of students enrolled at different times in Tanzania by employing both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative analysis indicated that the second category performed significantly lower in their examinations than the first category; That is, -18.8>-1.96 for a two tailed Z-test. The same category of

Sotco C. Komba
Institute Of Social Work, Box 3375, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Extent Of Parents’ Involvement By Social Factors In The Learning Process Of Their Children In Public Primary Schools In Bukoba District Council, Tanzania
The involvement of parents in their children's education is very important. However, most parents do not participate in that process. Therefore, this paper assesses extents of parents' involvement in their children's learning process by social factors, with the specific objectives to describe parents' social factors, to determine extents of parents' involvement in their children's learning process, and to compare extents

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